Tag Archives: news-leader

Earth Day 2009

Today is Earth Day and with Earth Day starts the Missouri State Public Affairs Conference which infact involves Earth Day by the topic being on Sustainability.

So in honor of this I attended one of the panel discussions this morning. The discussion that I attended I did find rather intriguing because it dealt with alternative energy and the idea of trying to ween ourselves off of the fossil fuels that we now use. Three panel members from various backgrounds discussed what they thought the best way to handle the situation. I have to admit that I found it entertaining that two members came from a government supported background while the other was the complete opposite which presented a 2 against one discussion. I feel that they all had very interesting things to say but I’m not sure I felt like they really answered the issues of moving away from coal etc… While I am one of the individuals who feel that we need to start harnessing alternative energy but I don’t know if I like the idea of nuclear energy. I realize that it doesn’t necessarily make sense but what I have read I’m not sure I like but who knows I guess.

Alright now to step on a small soap box. As I started to research the Sustainability conference I picked up a schedule of events booklet felt it and it appeared to be a newspaper/recycled paper product. I then went off to my photojournalism class to talk about what we needed to capture for the event and my professor Andy Cline brought to our attention that the booklets they handed out didn’t say anywhere that they printed these booklets on recycled paper. What is up with that! So you have a conference on Sustainability tout that you are a campus trying to be more sustainable then you print booklets and no where in the booklet tell us that it was printed on recycled paper! Now maybe it is but seeing that one it doesn’t say it anywhere and two the fact that the News-Leader slapped their logo on the front I some how doubt it.  I don’t know I realize it is a small thing but the fact that probably a couple thousand of these where printed off maybe just maybe you could have not over looked that fact.

Ok I step off of my box and move on too the pics that  Igot of the event. They aren’t great but it was a panel discussion which is just a boring thing to capture anyway.

Panel members Mark Cisson (l), Dianne Munns (c), Wayne White (r), discuss alternative energy topics.

Panel members Mark Cisson (l), Dianne Munns (c), Wayne White (r), discuss alternative energy topics.

The public affairs conference brought in several students to find out about sustainability.

The public affairs conference brought in several students to find out about sustainability.

On April 22nd MSU starts the Public Affairs Conference on Sustainability.

On April 22nd MSU starts the Public Affairs Conference on Sustainability.

I don’t know if you can tell in the photo above but I tried to go for a part black and white part color photo…

This is the two against one. Wayne White an organic fruit and beef farmer looks on at the other panel members. I love capturing emotion when they look like they hate things...

This is the two against one. Wayne White an organic fruit and beef farmer looks on at the other panel members. I love capturing emotion when they look like they hate things...

The competition...

The competition...

Well it is Earth day .I’m hungry. And need to turn off these damn electronics and hit the road on my bike so catch you all later.

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Filed under newsworthy, Photography